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transit trackrod ends???
punker - 12/4/05 at 03:42 PM

anyone know which transit the trackrod ends for the tiger avon front upper wishbones is from?

flak monkey - 12/4/05 at 04:00 PM

I assume they are the same as any other locost....

EDIT; ooops wrong number...

Correct quinton hazel # for the drag link is:


[Edited on 14/4/05 by flak monkey]

Peter Cowley - 12/4/05 at 04:12 PM

try ....dare i say it.... lolocost dirt cheap when I bought some off them for my westy.

flak monkey - 12/4/05 at 04:20 PM

Problem with lolocost is the parts are cheap, but the postage is steep (£6 for postage!) They should only be about £5 each from your local motor factors (I got a pair of Escort TRE's for £9.90 from Wilcos!).

Always worth saving on postage...


carlgeldard - 12/4/05 at 04:35 PM

There are two tranny track rod ends M18 and M20 I think the M18 is the more common one. I think Northy told me his are the M20 ones from Tiger. Mine are M18 but I made the wishbone myself.


punker - 13/4/05 at 08:22 AM

i'm building my own wishbones as well but have already had the turned part made to acept the book "transit ball joint" , i went into my local wilco but they said there about 4 different transit trackrod ends? i know they are m20x1.5 but which transit are they from?? also when you made your wishbones did you make the jig from metal or wood and how did you cut your tubes to fit other tubes??

flak monkey - 13/4/05 at 08:39 AM

The book transit rod ends are M18x1.5 not M20.

The AP Lockheed number is TA298 (according to the book)


[Edited on 13/4/05 by flak monkey]

[Edited on 13/4/05 by flak monkey]

punker - 13/4/05 at 08:54 AM

yeh the champion book does but the avon book says m20x1.5 and says "the top wishbone ball joint is from the ford transit", just wanted to know which transit?? thanks

carlgeldard - 13/4/05 at 09:12 AM

I got the threaded tube from lolocost (I think) they cost about 4 quid then got the track rod ends from a local motorfactors. They fitted so I must have been lucky.
The jigs that I made were made from 18mm plywood and Aluminium angle/flat bars all screwed together.


Viper - 13/4/05 at 05:20 PM

The M20 joints are mk2 transit track rod ends

The M18 are transit drag link ends , either will fit the taper on the cortina upright.

I made steel jigs.

do a search on here for a little program called tube mitre this will show you how to properly "fish mouth" the ends of your round tubes