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Tiger Avon Book Build
DoctorFunky - 7/3/03 at 06:02 PM

Has anybody completed or anywhere near completing an Avon using the book, in particular with a home made chassis. I am thinking about using the services of an engineer friend to build my chassis as opposed to buying one from Tiger and wondered how well the chassis worked out using the drawings in the Tiger Avon book. I know about the ammendaments on the publisher`s website. Any info would be very much appreciated.


Viper - 7/3/03 at 07:01 PM

Have you read through the posts here? they may give you some indications of what to expect..

DoctorFunky - 8/3/03 at 01:20 AM

Cheers Viper. Must say it doesn't look that promising. I think after reading your posts I will definately be having my own wishbones made.

Viper - 8/3/03 at 09:36 AM

I am pretty confident that Tiger get to hear what is written on here and other sites, it would be nice to think that they are taking it on board and doing something about it, i get the impression that the man himself is too busy with his latest project...but then i could be wrong...

Viper - 1/4/03 at 09:23 PM

What can i say ,,,,, i think the drawings in the book are more accurate than the chassis supplied by Tiger...the brackets for the steering rack are offset to the offside by 10mm and the brackets for the lower front wishbones are not equel, the nearside are set 3mm inboard compared to the offside...the further i get with this the deeper the despair...

johncarman - 3/4/03 at 06:52 PM

The measurements in the book are a joke, especially for the top sections of the chassis, It just doesn't line up if you use their measurements. I thought the ammendments on the publishers site were even worse in some areas.
Saying that I am getting on quite well, you just need to look at the book, and build something similar !!

Viper - 3/4/03 at 09:04 PM

Originally posted by johncarman
The measurements in the book are a joke, especially for the top sections of the chassis, It just doesn't line up if you use their measurements. I thought the ammendments on the publishers site were even worse in some areas.
Saying that I am getting on quite well, you just need to look at the book, and build something similar !!

still better than the Tiger supplied item..