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now with polo cooler
hotshotbeans - 24/4/06 at 04:09 PM

with special thanx to my parterner and girlfriend im qwiting my job had enough of driving up and down the m25 like a lunatic..just finnished driving around the world 6.5 times in 1 and a half i can get cracking with the real things that make life worth living like making my self happy......hense building my avon like a lunatic so i can go drag racing the sun......he he he Rescued attachment IMG_0352.JPG
Rescued attachment IMG_0352.JPG

Spyderman - 24/4/06 at 05:02 PM

Partner and girlfriend?

Isn't that expensive?

Peteff - 24/4/06 at 05:32 PM

And never the twain shall meet .

hotshotbeans - 25/4/06 at 07:27 AM

she is my bank manager without i would have no money at all.....and my sweety that loves me for who i am.
hense parterner and girlfriend rolled into sure many of you have excactly the same deal...he he he

ayoungman - 26/4/06 at 04:33 PM

Yes, we've been sharing your girl friend for a while too !

ayoungman - 26/4/06 at 04:34 PM

like the look of that lump in there,by the way !

martthefridgeman - 26/4/06 at 06:32 PM

orange avons also look nice with an xe in them.!!!!. looks like your build is coming along nicely. Rescued attachment P4090793.JPG
Rescued attachment P4090793.JPG

hotshotbeans - 26/4/06 at 08:41 PM

very very nice love it looks good so when ya gonna be done then?

martthefridgeman - 27/4/06 at 10:11 PM

im hoping to be complete in a couple of months, fingers crossed. just got to do the lighting and interior then its to the sva! Rescued attachment P4090792.JPG
Rescued attachment P4090792.JPG