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new update on veloce website
punker - 23/5/03 at 10:13 AM

there is a an extra page on the veloce website with amendments to the book drawings....check it out at

scroll down to the "download the sample pdf" under synopsis and download.

it's looking like it would be best for them to re-write the book as there are far too many errors!!!!

kingr - 23/5/03 at 12:09 PM

Ah, they've completely given up on putting any actual sample pages in there then, and they seem to have got around to redrawing the front of the chassis too. Well done tiger, maybe next time you'll get it right from the start? Or is that asking too much?


davefrancis3 - 20/12/04 at 01:43 PM

Originally posted by kingr
Ah, they've completely given up on putting any actual sample pages in there then, and they seem to have got around to redrawing the front of the chassis too. Well done tiger, maybe next time you'll get it right from the start? Or is that asking too much?
