Is it just me or is it difficult to build up enthusiasim to head out to the garage? We seem to have had perma frost for the past two weeks.
Considering ordering a heater. Any advice on what kind?
Considering a "Honeywell Turbo Space Heater 2 Kw" from Screwfix that me and the dog can sit round...;jsessionid=EQUCJCKPA4IN2CSTHZOCFEY?cId=102637&ts=96709
i've got one of these from home base for £20
Hmm I might get one of those myself, fairly compact too at:
W x D x H: 160 x 260 x 240mm.
Might cost a bit to run though at full chat...
Hmm if leccy is roughly somewhere between 10 and 20p/kWh depending on plan, time of day, usage so far for that month then your looking at 20 to
40p/hour to run at full whack.
Not too high a price to pay to keep warm I suppose and you might not need it on high all the time.
Useful item to make up the minimum for free postage as well if you're like me and always need a few bits from Screwfix but hate paying the £6 or
so for postage so end up ordering a load of stuff you don't need to spend £50 instead!
Originally posted by graememk
i've got one of these from home base for £20
yeah it dosnt heat the room just anything it shines on so as long as its pointing as you its nice and toasty, 2 or 3kwh i think.
i have a gas heater in my garage to warm the garage, and the halogen to warm me
Probably obvious but dont run it through a coiled up extension lead,
If you get 2 big lights and are working in the garage long enough they heat every where and if you do work
i got a diesel space heater that i got secondhand a newark jumble,
bit iffy if your doing something with petrol of thinners,
also got a oil filled rad but costs some to run,
remember not to close the door if using a space heater due to the fumes.
just read in the paper of 6 (I think) workers who all died in a container at a building site from fumes from a heater.
I have one and I just aim it at me (from a safe distance that is). Like the heat lamp though.
i used a Halogen light last year was great i even done a brake change in the snow not by choice and i was kept warm also got a bit of a red face on
one side with the heat.
(its a bugger when you brothers mot is in january and he know sod all about cars)
how much an hour do you think a 500w Halogen costs per hour???;jsessionid=HHX3ARCXII3H0CSTHZOCFEY?id=14558&p=x4&cm_re=CROSS_SELL-_-SLOT2-_-14558&catId=PRODUC T_DETAILS&ts=00981&destination=/app/sfd/cat/pro.jsp%3Fid%3D14558%26p%3Dx4#
CO poisoning from a generator is the suspected cause of the 3 deaths. I have a small propane blow heater but it's too hot to work with it on so I run it for ten minutes before I go in. 2kw is not going to do a lot unless you are on top of it but I also use a small £10 fan heater and put it behind me blowing wherever I'm working. It's handy for drying paint and filler as well.
My lamp like that was just the job, but as mentioned make sure the extension lead isn't still coiled!!!!
Melted Extension Lead_2
Holy Jeebus! That must've been lucky you spotted it in time to unplug it. A lesson to learn by all there.
thanks guys, was avoiding propane heater for the reasons mentioned, and they also cause condensation.
Thinks will go for the electric one from screw fix and some new lights. Might consider insulating the roof for next year
I was lucky that there was a circuit breaker on the garage supply, didn't stop me trying to turn it back on a couple of times until I noticed the
smoke coming from the extension lead!!!!!
A lesson learnt!!
My vote would be for a pot-bellied stove from machine-mart.
They throw off an amazing amount of heat, they take care of their own ventilation, you can burn owt in 'em and you'll never need a bin
I have the smallest one they sell, in a brick shed/outhouse and it's excellent. Almost too hot unless your careful how much you load it..
just wear more clothes .
or use a small electric radiator , i picked one up from a boot sale for a tenner.
[Edited on 29/12/06 by soggy 3]
Do it the Locost Way
Waste Oil Burner Heater
I use a halogen heater. It oscillates to throw out the heat over a wider area and warms up very quickly. Was cheap too (about £6 from local discount
store!) though they're not normally that cheap (usually in region of £15 - 20.)
There's usually plenty on ebay (search under 'halogen heater')
[Edited on 29/12/06 by andrew.carwithen]
Originally posted by UncleFista
My vote would be for a pot-bellied stove
I've got one of those Honeywell fan heaters behind the counter in my shop....and it's pretty unimpressive.
Get a halogen heater as mentioned previously.