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fitting exhaust wrap
arcoavon - 26/1/07 at 07:22 PM

what are the options for attaching it to the headers ?????

NDC790 - 26/1/07 at 07:32 PM

When I've done hedders, I soke the wrap in water, rap down from port end first.
Keep as neet and as tight as possible.
Then secure with s/steel cable ties, and lock wire where you cant get a tie.

There is also a paint for the wrap which futher keeps the temp down.

Hope this helps.

BenB - 26/1/07 at 07:44 PM

I just wrapped it round and secured it in place with some big jubilee clips....

Two tips

1) wear gloves- the dust can be irritating
2) expect some smoke / popcorn smells for the first few times you run the engine afterwards

TangoMan - 26/1/07 at 09:13 PM

Wetting it is the correct way to fit it so it fits tightly and can mould together.

I also started from the port downwards and then tie with either clips or locking wire where it ends.

It dos create lots of steam/smoke when you start it but it soon clears. The spray which you can buy for it I thought was to make it pretty and waterproof rather than improve heat retention. I will check the can tomorrow.