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Anyone taking an Avon to Donnington?
DaveFJ - 12/9/03 at 08:01 AM

Anyone taking an Avon to Donnington?

I'm going to be there saturday morning only (got tickets to proms in the park at Hyde park in the afternoon!) but I could really do with getting a good look at a finished or nearly finished example...

gjn200 - 12/9/03 at 04:05 PM

Ipswich to donnington, er surley you could go via Tigers place?

gjn200 - 12/9/03 at 04:06 PM

Or am I thinking of the wrong donnington?

DaveFJ - 12/9/03 at 10:03 PM

Yeah - well more or less - but err.. won't they be at Donnington too????

Mark Allanson - 12/9/03 at 10:08 PM

has anyone finished one? - I am interested

Northy - 13/9/03 at 08:19 AM

I've seen four finished examples, but theres not one in my garage yet

Viper - 13/9/03 at 08:21 AM

going to Donni?

Viper - 15/9/03 at 08:59 PM

and that matters because??

Northy - 16/9/03 at 05:11 PM

Er.... no

Sorry Viper, just seen this! No we never went

Viper - 16/9/03 at 05:28 PM

s'allright i had your pint anyway

Northy - 16/9/03 at 05:36 PM

Good man!

I was looking after my 17 month old triplet nephews!

Harder work than building a Tiger!

Viper - 16/9/03 at 06:50 PM

17 month old triplet nephews!

sod that!

Viper - 16/9/03 at 08:36 PM

A to Z wassat then?

Viper - 17/9/03 at 09:45 PM

Maps? whats that then?