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Cicle wings support broken
Rudy - 5/4/08 at 12:23 PM

Hi Friends,
today me and my wife did a travel in motorway , we was about at 130 km/h and right cicle wings support decided to crack. This was my wife face
Hopefully wing did not fly away
Support was made by miself, next time I will build it in inox steel, what do you think ? Rescued attachment CIMG0377.JPG
Rescued attachment CIMG0377.JPG

zilspeed - 5/4/08 at 12:27 PM

This is a known weak spot.

Consider bolting the flat bar down past the tube instead of welding it. This is far stronger and more flexible than the normal method.

Mark Allanson - 5/4/08 at 12:45 PM

Do away with the stay all together, mine have lasted 8,000 miles without incident

fideel109 - 5/4/08 at 04:46 PM

You were lucky, not much harm done.
It"s always exciting to take a kitcar for a drive, you never knwow what can happen
It's all part of the game


Rudy - 5/4/08 at 05:33 PM

Ok, I will do like zilspeed say.
I do not understand how Mark did.
Yes JP, I also sayd my wife we were lucky, I sayd think if the bonnet fly away when we were at 170 km/h

JacksAvon - 8/4/08 at 10:32 AM

I have had Tigers cycle wing stays on my race Avon for 3 years with no problems, had to adjust them with shims to fit some slightly bigger rubber, but still nice and solid