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Clock positioning
leemarkadams - 18/12/10 at 12:17 PM

Hello all, starting to re-do my dash and want to move the clocks from where they were (in the centre) to above the sterring wheel, only problem is they will stick up a little (but be covered by the aeroscreen), will be a little higher up when fitted, so what do people think?

clocks 1
clocks 1


lewis - 18/12/10 at 12:37 PM

Better in the middle IMO maybe with another taco behind the steering wheel if you want a gauge there.

matt_gsxr - 18/12/10 at 01:04 PM

I like tacho and speedo behind the wheel too.

Removing the Sierra cowl and hazard switch can buy you quite a lot of space, although you then have to sort out hazards indicators and stuff like that. Alternatively mounting on the steering wheel might work although has problems of its own.

I ended up with a numeric speedo in the middle and am adding shift lights. Tacho is more central, but I'd prefer it in the middle.

Good luck


Ben_Copeland - 18/12/10 at 01:04 PM

Dont do it, it'll always look like a bodge

RazMan - 18/12/10 at 01:30 PM

Having clocks in the middle means a lot of time with your eyes away from the road so much better over the steering wheel. If you make a binnacle for the clock it will be fine.

leemarkadams - 18/12/10 at 01:31 PM

Other option is to get an Acewell dash and use that, which will be a tidier solution, but that will still stick up a bit, but I suppose because it is an aftermarket dash I could get away with it. Thing is I really do not want the dials in the middle as before!


franky - 18/12/10 at 02:29 PM

Behind the wheel is best for me too and looks the best IMO.

cosmick - 18/12/10 at 03:19 PM

I originally had my speedo in the gap through the steering wheel and found it useless. I have now put the speedo in the centre of the dashboard and it is much easier to see at a glance. Bear in mind that when you are really interested inknowing what speed you are doing, you are normally driving with awareness. that means looking in the mirror as well. if you have a centre rear view mirror, then you can check speed as well as who is behind you (nick nick).


dlatch - 18/12/10 at 04:24 PM

i like behind the wheel myself just purely because thats where u are used to looking

leemarkadams - 18/12/10 at 04:33 PM

Thanks all, thinking of going behind the wheel, as it can look a bit odd with the speedo in the middle of the dash. Now to decide whether to use the existing clocks or get an Acewell unit. Either one will stick up a bit over the front scuttle, but the bike clocks a little more, although it will be hidden mostly by the aeroscreen.


Richard Quinn - 18/12/10 at 08:24 PM

My digital dash is in the middle with a set of shift lights above the column

leemarkadams - 18/12/10 at 09:07 PM

This is what it did look like:

I just fancy the dials in a more 'normal' position.