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Sierra Handbrake switch needed
mikeb - 17/8/09 at 12:15 PM

Does anyone have one fo these floating around the garage. hash=item4cea8fb3d9&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14

Need one before this auction ends. My local motorfactors can't get one.



rsmith95uk - 17/8/09 at 12:54 PM

If anyone has a supply - I'll have one as well!

Blackcab - 17/8/09 at 01:21 PM

and me

gdp66 - 17/8/09 at 01:36 PM

you can buy them on the westfield site SearchCriteria=any&PT_ID=all

cd.thomson - 17/8/09 at 02:04 PM

and the prize for the most forgotten about donor part goes to...

I need one too

mikeb - 17/8/09 at 02:49 PM

welldone that man, getting mine quick before they run out!

f1ngers - 17/8/09 at 06:56 PM

Get down the scrappy! Just about any old Ford uses them. Escort, Sierra, Granada, Fiesta. I had an Escort and a Sierra handbrake assy. with them on but let them go on here a while ago.