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Haynes chassis in CAD?
vanepico - 26/7/12 at 06:33 PM

Hey, I'm after a cad model of a chassis to model nose cones on the front of, if anyone has one I'd be grateful, it's only really for dimensions, I could draw it but if someone else has it drawn already it would be better.

I can import catia V5 files, IGES, STEP, solidworks parts and pro engineer etc into Autodesk Inventor.


Talon Motorsport - 26/7/12 at 06:38 PM

This has been done about 6-7 times by various people on the haynes forum it might be worth looking there.

HomersDouble - 26/7/12 at 07:01 PM

u2u sent

iank - 26/7/12 at 07:06 PM

There's one in google (now trimble) sketchup here along with a few mcsorly chassis.

Mopple - 27/7/12 at 08:54 AM

Try GrabCAD.

vanepico - 27/7/12 at 12:29 PM

Thanks everyone esp. homer!