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got sick of flappy covers flapping and leaking so........
john_p_b - 2/1/13 at 09:19 PM

took matters in to my own hands and got busy with the saw and screwdriver

after my indy getting evicted from my dads garage last spring when he took delivery of his new car, the poor thing has been sat on my drive only protected from nature by a flappy cover which was doing a woeful job to say the least.

i decided to go one step beyond and make something that would do a better job of looking after it, managed to acquire a few fence posts, joists and 12mm sheets of ply, i've had to buy some metposts and felt but all in all it stands me just shy of £100, as you can see it's not yet finished but won't take long now and you get the idea of what i'm doing, i think it'll be far better than another sheet scratching it and leaking in a few weeks.

just thought i'd share my christmas holiday project

HowardB - 2/1/13 at 09:27 PM

looks fab, I started with the same thing, but soon made a full sized car port,...

I would have hinged it so that one end could be propped up to work on the car,....

will you put sides on it? When I had am open sided structure for working on the Landy I hung some old heavy canvas on it to make sides,. that worked a treat when it was -10 outside

john_p_b - 2/1/13 at 09:33 PM

I intend to fully enclose 1 side and the entrance but the far end and other side and well protected by the fence and house so I'm going to leave them open to allow ventilation. There's no chance if working in there unless I get on my knees! Should have probably put at extra foot on the height but didn't want to obstruct the view out of the window and upset the wife.

Proby - 2/1/13 at 09:38 PM

Excellent job! I could do with one of these on my drive to put the car under, I could then turn the garage into a workshop! (my garage is only just big enough to get the car in!)

spiderman - 2/1/13 at 11:18 PM

I thought the title was referring to your avatar until I saw you pictures and read the rest of your post.

...coat fetched and halfway out the door.

[Edited on 2/1/13 by spiderman]

zetec - 2/1/13 at 11:48 PM

Get a net and start playing ping - pong with next door.

[Edited on 2/1/13 by zetec]

atm92484 - 3/1/13 at 01:53 AM

That looks like a great use for the build table once the car is completed.

Daddylonglegs - 3/1/13 at 08:41 AM

Originally posted by atm92484
That looks like a great use for the build table once the car is completed.

You beat me to it!

40inches - 3/1/13 at 10:44 AM

Stupid question alert! But did you build the cover around the car? when the sides are on will you be able to get in to move the car back out?

john_p_b - 3/1/13 at 10:54 AM

Originally posted by 40inches
Stupid question alert! But did you build the cover around the car? when the sides are on will you be able to get in to move the car back out?

No I did A 14 point turn to get it in there but it does go. It's going to be hard work getting in and out of the car when the side is on but really I've built it for long term winter storage, in "summer" when it's getting used it'll go back on the drive, the tonneau cover does a good job of keeping the important bits dry in all but the worst storms.

jossey - 3/1/13 at 12:44 PM

Great idea. I want one now :-)

ChrisL - 3/1/13 at 03:51 PM

You could put the roof on a hinge, that'd allow for easier access...