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Blackberry Storm help.
Russ-Turner - 18/1/09 at 01:23 PM

Hi all. For some reason text messages are not getting through to me. Been like this for a week now. Phoned Voda who said that there are no messages waiting for me and "are you sure the person that sent the texts has got your number?" I've even had my boss stand next to me as I watch him send a message to me and it not come through. As Voda don't have a clue does anyone have any idea if it is something I have done at the handset end as I'm a bit stumped here and Voda don't seem to have a clue. Thanks.

Worzey - 18/1/09 at 01:47 PM


Have you tried sending out a text and then getting someone else reply to that?

I guess it's possible the number is getting confused somewhere but unlikely.

I've had the Storm for a while now and the initial "wow" is wearing off. I think I might have been better off with a Curve.

Russ-Turner - 18/1/09 at 02:10 PM

Yep tried that mate. Running out of ideas to be honest because I haven't mucked about with the menu.

RK - 18/1/09 at 02:18 PM

I have a Pearl, and it wasn't going to Call History Log when selected, so once I downloaded new softwear for it, things went back to normal. They go off sometimes, the Blackberries. You have to call Vodophone again, or go to the Blackberry site.

It could be a softwear/firmware issue then.

Worzey - 18/1/09 at 03:48 PM

Try checking your SMS options (in the SMS inbox) There is an option for email and SMS inboxes.

Check that they are "Theme Controlled". If this still doesn't work change to "Separate".

This controls how messages are filed when they arrive on the Blackberry.

It's a long shot but could help.

AR-CoolC - 18/1/09 at 07:30 PM

Ask here

They are proper Blackberry geeks, and they helped me no end with some initial problems I had setting up my Curve.