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eccsmk - 31/7/09 at 03:26 PM

how come he gets a days testing before he races but the new boy (who's name i cant spell)
had to go out and race with no previous testing?

im not slating anyone here btw in just curious
thanks locosters

big_wasa - 31/7/09 at 03:28 PM

How come , £££££££££££

carlgeldard - 31/7/09 at 03:31 PM

He's driving an old car and paying out of his own pocket.

Expensive track day that the FIA can do nothing about

RickRick - 31/7/09 at 03:31 PM

he's driving an old F1 car i guess is how they get around it. how long till other teams start running last years car, but with some "spare parts" fitted

eccsmk - 31/7/09 at 03:32 PM

now he is retired he will only be on a small pension

eccsmk - 31/7/09 at 03:34 PM

Originally posted by carlgeldard
He's driving an old car and paying out of his own pocket.

Expensive track day that the FIA can do nothing about

ah i see i didnt realise this
just heard on the radio that the FIA were letting him do a days testing

[Edited on 31/7/09 by eccsmk]

asl - 31/7/09 at 03:53 PM

Ah, but the plot thickens.......

Ferrari has asked rival teams for permission to have Michael Schumacher test this year's car during the testing ban ahead of the European Grand Prix.

eccsmk - 31/7/09 at 05:04 PM

well if they have all agreed
shame the new boy (still cant spell his name )
didnt get change to do more
ah well

scottc - 31/7/09 at 05:28 PM

Jaime ?!?

MK chippy - 31/7/09 at 06:07 PM

professional cheatin i call it! As said before in this thread nobody else would have been allowed to do this.


D Beddows - 31/7/09 at 06:25 PM

I don't like to say I told you so but I have mentioned this was a huge mistake....... he's not even raced yet .....