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Winter holidays
zilspeed - 21/12/09 at 09:07 AM

Start today until 11th January.

There's about 200mm / 8 inches of snow in our little cul de sac which has a slight incline to get out of.

Left the Golf where it was (205/50 15s) took the wifes car (175/70 x13s) and reversed out up the hill.

Being car people, you all know why I made the decision regarding the car and the use of reverse gear, so I won't be condescending and explain

Right now there's a Cooper S convertible on 17" wheels failing to get out of the street. You know the drill, when the wheels start to spin, give it more revs.

He thinks he can dig his way out.

[Edited on 21/12/09 by zilspeed]

tegwin - 21/12/09 at 09:30 AM

BAAAAAA...... HUMBUG! My christmas break doesnt start until Thursday!!!!

But yes, people are retards in the "snow"...

Followed some woman doing 20mph in an NSL this morning... She was quickly dispatched with a little right foot....I didnt even have to drop a cog she was going to slowly!... and no, appart from a bit of slush in the gutter the road was perfectly dry!

[Edited on 21/12/09 by tegwin]

HOL - 21/12/09 at 10:15 AM

I've got a Subaru Forester that I use as a commute/tow car.

We had about 10 inches of Snow Friday Morning (enough to brush the bottom of the floor).
I have been out four times more than I had to over the weekend just for fun!!!

I have also seen a few people who seem to think that revving a car and spinning the wheels will help it grip.

It makes you wonder how many people probably also have a low appreciation or understanding of grip when just driving normally.

[Edited on 21/12/09 by HOL]

iscmatt - 21/12/09 at 10:18 AM

haha my sister got her audi A2 stuck in the drive last night she said i would have to tow it out with the 'big' car as I wouldn't be able to drive it out. OK I said, went out into the snow with dad, took the scooby (legacy estate AWD in low box) round the front expecting she had it properly stuck, had a look, I jumped in the A2, reversed it back a bit and then set off in 2nd and had no problem. She said she had tried reversing but I think perhaps zilspeed is right "You know the drill, when the wheels start to spin, give it more revs. " I guess it helps to understand the basics of gearing.

iank - 21/12/09 at 10:26 AM

Doing the rev's thing does put a nice polish on the ice for the next person.

What's really p*ssing me off right now is the people in our street who are still parking like muppets, leaving 1.1 car width of tarmac on a blind bend (because each side insists on parking with their door right next to the path) is a pain in the dry, but when the road is a sheet of ice??

02GF74 - 21/12/09 at 10:56 AM

Originally posted by tegwin

But yes, people are retards in the "snow"...

Followed some woman doing 20mph in an NSL this morning... She was quickly dispatched with a little right foot....I didnt even have to drop a cog she was going to slowly!... and no, appart from a bit of slush in the gutter the road was perfectly dry!

maybe overcautious but better safe than sorry.

MikeRJ - 21/12/09 at 11:12 AM

Originally posted by zilspeed
Being car people, you all know why I made the decision regarding the car and the use of reverse gear, so I won't be condescending and explain

Using a higher gear is less likely to start wheelspin.

fesycresy - 21/12/09 at 11:23 AM

Couldn't move my car this morning, stuck it in reverse, just above tickover (diesel torque, lovely) and she said no.

Looked at the rear tyres, think I need a new pair (235's), they were just above the wear indicators

Took her Megane, what a shite car, but still got me bombing around this morning.

zilspeed - 21/12/09 at 11:41 AM

Originally posted by MikeRJ
Originally posted by zilspeed
Being car people, you all know why I made the decision regarding the car and the use of reverse gear, so I won't be condescending and explain

Using a higher gear is less likely to start wheelspin.

That may be the case, but reversing in a FWD car gives you the most adavantageous weight transfer to ensure best traction, for exactly the same reason that an old Beetle has excellent traction.
Beetles are put in with LSD equipped cars in trials for this very reason.

Anyway, I eventually went out, had a word, suggested zero throttle and reverse out slowly. Worked a treat.

Fesycresy - 235s, balding ones. Might just be your traction issue there

turbodisplay - 21/12/09 at 11:57 AM

I know what you mean about poor parking,
took the gt4 to my parents, steep hill, sheet ice no problem. (the 4 referes to 4wd).
Picked my other car up, still no problem with fwd, but had to acellerate very slowly.
On leaving the road two parked cars formed a chicane, whoever parked the 2nd car - smart move !
Also saw a van doing 30 down the steep hill- as it passed i saw his brake lights were on, and not slowing - no bang so must have eventally stopped- jammy idiot!

phelpsa - 21/12/09 at 11:57 AM

My old AX GT with its skinny little 155 section tyres was awesome in the snow. Stick it in second and feather the clutch and it would climb hills that my mum's impreza, with 4wd and 3 LSDs, had no chance on. That's why you still see them everywhere in the french alps!

I must admit, the impreza does wear 235 section Bridgestone track tyres

Humbug - 21/12/09 at 11:59 AM

I went out on Sunday morning to pick up my daughter from a friend's house. She is learning to drive, so I demonstrated handbrake turns at about 5mph in the Tesco petrol station and round a roundabout. I was pleased, as I managed do the turns just enough to line me up perfectly for the "exit" of the turns, but she was slightly less than impressed.

Ah, women eh?

paul the 6th - 21/12/09 at 01:51 PM

Originally posted by iscmatt
haha my sister got her audi A2 stuck in the drive last night

I got my audi stuck in our cul-de-sac yesterday as well - 225/40/18's on perfectly polished icey 90 degree left hander up hill...

Tried about 8 times then used the pavement as some kind person had used all the grit salt creating a path to walk on... I spread what was left on the corner but it's even worse this morning fun & games