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This is locost to the limit.
Brett Jones - 13/2/14 at 08:25 PM

locost build

nick205 - 13/2/14 at 08:37 PM

In a word....ambitious!

madteg - 13/2/14 at 08:41 PM

Now thats how to get arc eye.

Slimy38 - 13/2/14 at 08:44 PM

Originally posted by madteg
Now thats how to get arc eye.

He was fine... he closed his eyes at the right time...

jossey - 13/2/14 at 08:57 PM

Crazy guys.

If my planed snapped in half I would go back to working in IT


carpmart - 13/2/14 at 08:57 PM

Thank god it never got off the ground!

snapper - 13/2/14 at 08:58 PM

That shows that a little knowledge is dangerous
Oh s41t I have only a little knowledge about car building

unijacko67 - 13/2/14 at 08:59 PM

Only a few teething problem's, lol.

Matt21 - 13/2/14 at 09:03 PM

I think the problem is a little worse than just the landing gear!


drt - 14/2/14 at 01:23 AM

that made my day...

I think a quote is in order ^^
''If nothing else works, a total pig-headed unwillingness to look facts in the face will see us through.''

Made me thing of some other frantic DIYer;

Ivan - 14/2/14 at 10:31 AM

I wonder if he will sell plans or a kit - I've always wanted to build a plane.

Oddified - 14/2/14 at 03:29 PM

Ambitious maybe and it'll probably never get off the ground but you do have to give the guy 10/10 for even trying to make it out of what looks like scrap
