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IP Camera problems
SJ - 17/2/16 at 03:08 PM

Any IP camera experts out there? I recently bought a Chinese wifi ip cam and set it up on my home network. I can see it fine via the web interface at home but when I try to access outside of my network I can see the camera web login page, which tells me my DDNS and port forwarding are OK.

However when I enter my credentials to login the request times out.

Any suggestions as to what I could try?



jeffw - 17/2/16 at 03:43 PM

Default gateway? Did you manually set this up or is it DHCP?

SJ - 17/2/16 at 04:31 PM


I set it up manually - the default gateway is my router ip, and the camera has a static ip address so not using DHCP.


[Edited on 17/2/16 by SJ]

rgrs - 17/2/16 at 05:00 PM

Suspect you will also have to open another port, i suspect you can see the web interface page on port 80 but as soon as you try to launch a stream it cuts out.

You normally also need to allow a port or range of ports which would be in the camera setup under rtp ports.

Having just had a quick look at some of my test cameras the chinese ones i have use a range of 3000 to 3200


[Edited on 17/2/2016 by rgrs]

SJ - 17/2/16 at 05:20 PM


The camera interface lists 554 as the RTSP port and 8200 as data port.

They are all now open but still no go

The error I get is 'the service did not respond to the control request in a timely manner'

[Edited on 17/2/16 by SJ]

rgrs - 17/2/16 at 05:36 PM

Try altering your firewall rules to allow both tcp and udp on port 554.

To prove if its a firewall issue can you create a vpn connection ?


SJ - 17/2/16 at 08:56 PM

I've made the change to port 554 so will try that.

I use VPN every day to access the company network.

I'll report back.



skydivepaul - 17/2/16 at 11:03 PM

Could be the streaming settings are too high.
If you have the option to pick a sub stream make sure your mobile device is set to fluent. If it is set to clear it will try to grab the images at a higher resolution and if your connection is not real quick the connection will time out

Another issue you may have is the camera maybe a Chinese spec camera
We fit 100's of IP cameras per year. They all come from China but are a European spec, we get them from a UK supplier and they are configured to work in the UK.
In theory IP is IP but we find some of the Chinese spec cameras have issues like you are experiencing.

As already mentioned port 554 is the port that lets the video stream out to your device so you need that opened up

Hope this helps

[Edited on 17/2/16 by skydivepaul]

SJ - 18/2/16 at 07:15 AM

Thanks guys.

Allowing both tcp and udp on port 554 fixed the issue and it is now working fine. Just need to make sure my router is updating ddns and I'm sorted.
