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A true hero passes away - RIP Eric Brown
jeffw - 22/2/16 at 06:17 AM

Very sad news of the death of probable the greatest pilot this country has ever had.

Captain Brown's life makes James Bond look boring

I salute you for your service Capt Brown. RIP.

britishtrident - 22/2/16 at 06:57 AM

He was the vital link between the back room boys and and the front line heroes, a truly remarkable man not just for his unparalleled abilities and courage as test pilot but for his unique experience on Nazi Germany from meeting the top Nazis in the pre--war period through to the liberation of the death camps and the preparation for the Nuremberg trials. Through all the dangers horrors and losses he face through the war he somehow remained a truly likeable human being and wonderful raconteur with a mind as sharp as a razor until the very end.

steve m - 22/2/16 at 07:10 AM

Ive met him twice, both when he was hosting a "talk" on his life,
what an extraordinary man, and his books are awesome

Their can not be many of his generation left

jollygreengiant - 22/2/16 at 07:29 AM

My condolences to his Family. He will be sorely missed. He was an Aviators Aviator, his achievements attained with no thought to making them and setting them are unlikely to ever be surpassed. Most aircraft types flown. Most deck landings. First Carrier landing by a Mosquito.First Carrier landing with a Jet aircraft. His achievements go on and on.

It is a shame he was not recognised for his achievements by OUR Government, current or any past. SHAME on THEM.

David Jenkins - 22/2/16 at 08:59 AM

Originally posted by jollygreengiant
It is a shame he was not recognised for his achievements by OUR Government, current or any past. SHAME on THEM.

I don't know... OBE, MBE and CBE, DFC and AFC, met King George VI and Churchill several times, has a bronze bust in Somerset, massive celebration for his 97th birthday (including the First Sea Lord). Oh - and the 3000th episode of Desert Island Discs! Doesn't sound like he was ignored.

Daverog - 22/2/16 at 12:50 PM

Sad news indeed. He was on an Aircraft Carrier called Audacity when it was torpedoed in the Mediterranean. My father was a CPO on board at that time and was also one of the lucky survivors (if not I wouldn't be typing this!!).
As stated not many left as I lost my father to cancer some years ago.

Thanks jeffw for the correction, they had sailed from Gibralter. Getting dad to talk about it was not easy, remember his comment "swam around for a bit and got picked up"!! Understatement!!

[Edited on 22/2/16 by Daverog]

jeffw - 22/2/16 at 02:41 PM

Actually HMS Audacity was torpedoed in the Atlantic off Cape Finisterre. Regardless, brave men one and all.

Chaz - 22/2/16 at 03:02 PM

A truly inspiring life and one you could only dream of!

jeffw - 22/2/16 at 03:08 PM

The Wiki article only scrapes the surface. He was in Germany at the start of the war and was arrested by the Gestapo who then released him and he drove through Germany in the middle of the night to get to Switzerland.

Read his biography if you get the chance.

Volvorsport - 22/2/16 at 11:11 PM

does it mention if he ever landed on HMS unicorn ? (autobiography) . It was my grandfathers ship....

jeffw - 23/2/16 at 07:00 AM

Found it....

Watch and enjoy

BBC2 programme on Capt Brown.

[Edited on 23/2/16 by jeffw]

Chaz - 23/2/16 at 07:02 AM

Well done jeffw