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It's a bl**dy conspiracy
irvined - 25/10/06 at 11:52 AM


So week off work, got about 2 weeks left to re-sva the car or i have to do a whole sva again in which case it would be most likely heading for the bin.

Got an engine, which i heard running, dropped it in, wired it up, went to start it, flat battery. Never mind, got the booster pack out, went to start, nothing - turns out it was borrowed by a family member and never - recharged, oh well.

Can i find the charger for the booster? of course not. Never mind, put thecar battery on charge overnight. Next day, got up went to get battery and noticed that it had been unplugged, turns out somebody needed the socket for something. ARRRRGH!!!

So, put it on charge all day, then overnight again out of sight, this morning, put it in thecar, cranked about 2 turns and died. It appears i have a duff battery.

Mother got home at lnch time, quickly got out the jmpleads and cranked for about 5 mintes, and got barely a half hearted pop. Checked the fuel - looks dubious, so i sprayed some easy start down, about 2 half hearted puffs, and then mum had to go to work.

Its days like this i wonder why i didnt just buy a second hand catering van.

Oh, and i now have a cold.

Hammerhead - 25/10/06 at 11:56 AM

and i bet it's raining too?

mookaloid - 25/10/06 at 11:57 AM

Originally posted by irvined

Oh, and i now have a cold.

It's really not your day

Suggest a whisky or two at bed time - don't know if it will help the cold but it should help you feel better



James - 25/10/06 at 11:58 AM

Didn't you fail back in May?

Oh well, good luck with it all.


P.S. I used to live in Holland... rained non-stop for 18mths!

irvined - 25/10/06 at 12:04 PM

Originally posted by James
Didn't you fail back in May?

Yeah, so i think i have till mid november to get it retested - its a real pita, the things it failed on where fixed immediately, bt the next time i went down there it overheated, and i just had a spate of infriating problems. The real bummer is the car being located in the UK, and me being in the Netherlands, it makes popping out to the SVA station a bit of a mission.

MikeR - 25/10/06 at 12:44 PM

but worth it when you get the SVA passed!

Keep the faith, keep plugging away and give your family a kick up the ass !

smart51 - 25/10/06 at 01:27 PM

I had the same with mine. I now understand why so many are put up for sale 90% complete. Stick with it. It is worth it in the end. with luck you'll be out on the road before it snows

irvined - 25/10/06 at 05:25 PM

Still nothing, just melted a solenoid - i think that was a sign that it should go.

I'm feeling quite gutted tonight. In the end it managed a couple of fireballs down the exhaust and that was all.

Ho Hum.

stevec - 25/10/06 at 05:25 PM

Take a big breath, Kick the crap out of something useless(like a Chav), and carry on.
All the best.

Noodle - 25/10/06 at 09:52 PM

Originally posted by stevec
Take a big breath, Kick the crap out of something useless(like a Chav), and carry on.
All the best.

In the middle of a very difficult week, your post raised a laugh.

Joyously incorrect!


flak monkey - 25/10/06 at 09:54 PM

Originally posted by stevec
... Kick the crap out of something useless(like a Chav)....

Could make quite a sport out of that in Coventry...

irvined - 26/10/06 at 09:26 AM

Its funny, I'm laughing about it now - its probably got something to do with booking a flight back home late last nihgt when i'd finally had enouhg, only to miss it by about 30 seconds this morning thanks to the edinburgh bypass being jammed beyond belief. Took over an hour to get around *grumble*

Fortunately I now have another flihgt this afternoon so i'm going to risk public transport and hopefully be back in the wet, but hopefully not quite as miserable low country just in time for beer o'clock.

I swear you could make a great movie about this, not sure if its a tragedy or comedy yet though.

MikeR - 26/10/06 at 11:50 AM

Its a story of hope.....

Hope you'll finish the bloody thing and stop whining p

you know, i could still finish mine before you ....... just got to stop getting distracted!

(and on a lighter note, mine is still about a year behind yours. What about taking it back to Cov? Can't be that hard to fix and there are plenty of us who's nip round to have a look. Then you can get thingy to take it for SVA)

DorsetStrider - 26/10/06 at 04:28 PM

Originally posted by stevec
Take a big breath, Kick the crap out of something useless(like a Chav), and carry on.
All the best.

Steve you should't kick chavs....

... they might leave unsightly stains on your shoes/trainers.