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Why oh why?
Fred W B - 30/5/08 at 11:44 AM

Is it so easy to stay up an hour or two past the time you would usually go to sleep on a weeknight when you are busy with something in the garage or on the computer, when getting up again in the morning is so difficult?

Happens to me over and over, and every single time I say “Never again!”


Fred W B

mookaloid - 30/5/08 at 11:45 AM

Me too

Mr Whippy - 30/5/08 at 11:52 AM

I'm dead tired too

seems I'm usually up to 2:30 every night, hate getting up in the morning

Hammerhead - 30/5/08 at 11:58 AM

I prefer staying up late to getting up early, but my eight week old daughter has other ideas!!

I generally start waking up at about 10pm but then it's nearly time to go to bed again.

twybrow - 30/5/08 at 12:15 PM

I have averaged 3 hours per night for the last 3 weeks. Mornings hurt (i start a 7:30am). By lunch time I feel fine. Mid afternoon I get the secondary sleepy time, then in the evenings, I geta seconf wind to push me through into the small hours... Sleep is great, but only needed at weekends!

blakep82 - 30/5/08 at 01:28 PM

i refuse to go to bed before midnight during the week, coz i hate my work and feel cheated into going to bed early as it means work comes quicker. silly i know, but thats how i feel. midnight became 1am, 1 am became 1.30... then 2...

i just want to quit no sign of another job yet though...

i can't handle mornings anymore...

[Edited on 30/5/08 by blakep82]

nasty-bob - 30/5/08 at 01:57 PM

Sleep? whats that?

I tend to feel sort of hung over and sick if I have more than about 5.5 hours.

Keep it going Fred its like training and once you're used to it, the day becomes a few hours longer.


blakep82 - 30/5/08 at 02:01 PM

we had a security guard at my old work, he was south african and used to be a diamond miner (although he was a bit weird, so he might have been lying a lot about most things) he reckoned you only need 4 hours a day, and once you train yourself to be used to it, you can easily function on only 4 hours, and thats what he did every day

iank - 30/5/08 at 02:18 PM

Originally posted by blakep82
we had a security guard at my old work, he was south african and used to be a diamond miner (although he was a bit weird, so he might have been lying a lot about most things) he reckoned you only need 4 hours a day, and once you train yourself to be used to it, you can easily function on only 4 hours, and thats what he did every day

Margaret Thatcher famously slept for only 4hrs a night, but I think it depends on the person.
However some medical statistics survey thing found that people who slept 7 hours a day lived longest on average.

The security guys at our place are often taking a nap when I leave the building at 10ish.

Fred W B - 30/5/08 at 02:25 PM

Thanks for comments guys.

Others may be able to get by on less, but if I'm not asleep by 11 I really battle to get through the next day at work. My alarm goes off at 5.45, so I can get up at say 6.15 to leave for work by 7.


Fred w b

chrisg - 30/5/08 at 02:27 PM

I sometimes have to be up first thing in the afternoon.



blakep82 - 30/5/08 at 02:28 PM

^i'm the same... i don't get up til 8, my alarm goes off at 7.30, then 3 hits of snooze

Mr Whippy - 30/5/08 at 06:27 PM

Originally posted by iank
Originally posted by blakep82
we had a security guard at my old work, he was south african and used to be a diamond miner (although he was a bit weird, so he might have been lying a lot about most things) he reckoned you only need 4 hours a day, and once you train yourself to be used to it, you can easily function on only 4 hours, and thats what he did every day

Margaret Thatcher famously slept for only 4hrs a night, but I think it depends on the person.
However some medical statistics survey thing found that people who slept 7 hours a day lived longest on average.

The security guys at our place are often taking a nap when I leave the building at 10ish.

yes Thatcher did say that, but she also was for ever falling asleep in the commons