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Rover Radios
brynhamlet - 1/8/08 at 07:39 AM

Does anybody know how to enter the security code into rover radios.
It' an old syle radio cassete, four pre-set channels and up and down scan buttons. I have the 4 digit code but have forgotten how to enter it

AR-CoolC - 1/8/08 at 07:42 AM

IIRC you press each of the storage buttons the number of times you need to make the code button.

i.e. if the code was 1234 you'd press the first button once, the second button twice, the third three times ans the forth four times.

If that makes sense.

[Edited on 1/8/08 by AR-CoolC]

r1_pete - 1/8/08 at 07:43 AM

I seem to remember you use the 1st 2 channel buttons to scroll up and down the digits, cant remember how yo move left to right though.

coozer - 1/8/08 at 08:11 AM

Oh dear, rip it out and get a DAB in there man

nick205 - 1/8/08 at 08:40 AM

Originally posted by coozer
Oh dear, rip it out and get a DAB in there man

Maybe he's going for the retro

brynhamlet - 1/8/08 at 08:51 AM

Nope nick205, the car is a 15 year old Mazda 626 2.5V6 bought cheap and when I asked if he could put a radio in, he put a Rover one in. Does me I'm not a hi-fi buff or owt, just like a bit of background noise when I'm driving up and down the A1

82 Locost - 1/8/08 at 10:27 AM

I'd try a Rover forum. The guide for the Rover radio I had wasn't correct and I had to make it up as I went along.

britishtrident - 1/8/08 at 03:11 PM

Depends which set it is but on the old Rover Motorola units push button 6 to accept after you have the code entered.