posted on 30/5/06 at 04:00 PM |
Just as a polite warning, if you have animals at home be very careful that they dont drink the antifreeze. A very small amount can kill them (and a
young child). i found this out to my horror just after xmas. Its nasty stuff and no cure.
hope you find the leak OK. Fingers crossed its something simple like a hose.
posted on 30/5/06 at 06:23 PM |
so are ya still grinning like a mad thing thing high on adrenaline?
eh !
or has the tiger got ya by the balls? he he he
posted on 30/5/06 at 09:15 PM |
The leak was in the garage so all contained. It didn't dump the water in a hurry. I have just filled the header again with a bit and it is
dripping quite rapidly but not pouring from an area just in front of the engine block and behind the rad.
I didn't get time tonight to take the nose off to see exactly but I am guessing it is somewhere around the water pump - hopefully a loose hose
but tomorrow night I will take the nose off and find out.