ian locostzx9rc2
posted on 4/2/21 at 03:00 PM |
Raw sportscars
Is Raw still in business As you can’t seem to get In contact with them ?
posted on 5/2/21 at 09:04 AM |
No idea - never dealt with them myself.
Looking at your location and Raw's address you can't be more than an hour apart (by car) if you wanted to check physically. That often
means taking a midweek day out to do so though.
If it's a specific part you're after is it worth asking members on here?
Even if you need something making there's plenty of doers and makers on here too.
ian locostzx9rc2
posted on 5/2/21 at 09:17 AM |
Asking for a friend and no one I can’t go there at present as we are in lockdown and its 2 hour Drive to Hereford
[Edited on 5/2/21 by ian locostzx9rc2]
posted on 7/2/21 at 12:19 PM |
You may have seen there is some chat on a FB group that they are tough to get hold of. Apparently the mobile number is getting answered and WhatsApp
responded to. Emails are not answered it seems.
A shame as there are people queuing to hand over money to them so it's not quiet.
I am considering getting a new rear tub and arches off of them but I'm worried I might never get what I pay for.
Hopefully it's just a busy time for them and something they are overcoming. They are one of the few decent builders left.
Track days ARE the best thing since sliced bread, until I get a supercharger that is!
Please read my ring story:
Me doing a sub 56sec lap around Brands Indy. I need a geo set up! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHksfvIGB3I
steve m
posted on 7/2/21 at 04:29 PM |
I do not know what the OP needs from Raw, and unless its a specific part only made by them, then i would pass them over, and find someone/company who
do answer the phone, or emails, and can supply the parts required,
There has been over the years on this site many many similar stories of poor company feedbacks, infact so many they should be named and shamed
It is down right rude to not respond to phone calls or emails, and back to my first point, if (and i have in the past) been in this position, wouldnt
bother contacting them again
Now i do understand, that every one has a lot of stuff going on in there lives, and some one man bands have taken on to much to much deal with, but if
thats the case, put your hands up, and say "i am unable to fulfill any new orders"
At the very worst, put a message to that effect on the phone number, along with a message to any one that has an order to email, and they will be
answered, not exactly rocket science !!
And of course there will always be the excuses of why the dont respond.............
Wasnt there a message on this Forum, only a few weeks ago, that someone on here was still waiting 9 months after ordering some fiberglass panels ?
Dreadful dreadful service if that is correct
Thats was probably spelt wrong, or had some grammer, that the "grammer police have to have a moan at