posted on 17/7/03 at 12:43 PM |
Master Cylinder
I have been told..... that I may have the wrong master cylinder for my prospective Avon build. It is from an '87 sierra 2.0l Ghia. Apparently
there are 2 different sizes.
Can anyone confirm this and let me know how to check if I have the right one ?
And while I've got your attention..... This section has become very quiet lately. Is everyone that disheartened that they don't want to
talk about thier Tigers anymore ?
[Edited on 17/7/03 by protofj]
[Edited on 17/7/03 by protofj]
Fatboy Dave
posted on 17/7/03 at 04:47 PM |
Never had cause to look at Sierra cylinders too closely, but from previous dealings with friends who have built Cat E1s, there are Bendix and Girling
cylinders. Only way I ever bothered to differentiate is that Bendix need and 8mm socket anf Girling need a 10mm socket to remove when power stripping
Stop the planet, I want to get off
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posted on 17/7/03 at 05:26 PM |
i know what u mean i noticed its been a little quiet, maybe everyones on holiday.
posted on 23/7/03 at 07:38 AM |
the difference between the master cylinders that is of concern, is the distance between the centres of the attaching bolts. the master cylinder you
need is the one with a pitch of 92mm.this means it will bolt onto the peddle box.i hope this info will help.![](/images//smilies/cool.gif)
posted on 12/8/03 at 03:09 PM |
If the car has ABS i was told the master cylinder wont work if you dont want to use the ABS on your car. Thats why i am now looking for a new master
The Magnificent 7!