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Next Midlands Meeting - 4th Feb
MikeR - 25/1/04 at 06:52 PM

Usual announcement - next meeting of the Midlands group is 4th Feb, near J2 M6.

If you want more details then either write a message on here, U2U or email me on



Dave Ashurst - 27/1/04 at 07:25 PM

Hello. see you there.
Might give the Navarin a miss this time though.
Wexford possibly.

MikeR - 28/1/04 at 12:30 PM

Well I'll be watching what I eat as usual so I'll either have some potato skins or 16 oz meat feast.


Does anyone know hte email address of Phil Alcock? my emails to him keep getting bounced.

benedict - 28/1/04 at 11:21 PM

Originally posted by MikeRDoes anyone know hte email address of Phil Alcock? my emails to him keep getting bounced.

Coming offlist. Sorry, err "off-forum"
He is on AOL though and they do have some funny ideas about blocking/allowing emails though.

Brooky - 1/2/04 at 09:27 PM

I am on nights im afraid.
Should make the next one. ( will that be the joint midlands - south midlands do ? )

MikeR - 1/2/04 at 09:59 PM

Haven't got a clue - perhaps.....

How long would it take you and the lads to get to the Ansty Arms? Just thinking if we co-ordinate the 999 call with the ordering of the food you could eat while the lads put out the fire?

Hmmm, now what could we burn?

Brooky - 3/2/04 at 12:46 PM

doesnt Dave Ashurst cars do a good job of self ignition ?

Dave Ashurst - 3/2/04 at 01:24 PM

It used to...

Dave Ashurst - 3/2/04 at 01:26 PM

... but since I met you it seems to have lost interest.

Brooky - 4/2/04 at 10:53 AM

It Knows it had better behave ! ( or drown in a torrent of stagnant water )

Dave Ashurst - 5/2/04 at 07:05 PM

Well Brooky, you missed a grand night out last night with the Midland Locosters!

Hope you had fun with your hose.

Brooky - 6/2/04 at 08:33 AM

Any one have the Lamb Nevarin ?

[Edited on 6/2/04 by Brooky]