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Central Scotland Meet?
MarkD - 18/7/04 at 11:02 PM

About time we had another?

[Edited on 1/8/04 by MarkD]

mangogroove - 18/7/04 at 11:48 PM


Baldrick - 19/7/04 at 09:14 AM

should be on the road shortly (DVLA permitting) - Where & when

zilspeed - 19/7/04 at 12:30 PM

Count me in as well. Although my MOT is up tomorrow - best get the finger out then.

dave1888 - 19/7/04 at 04:49 PM

How about badgers brae again. Its not a bad place

escary - 21/7/04 at 08:02 PM

I'm up for a bit of that!
But not the weekend of the 25th as I'm off to the Moto gp at donni.

friday after is ok

prefer the beefeater, serves stella.

and close to home.



SeaBass - 21/7/04 at 08:32 PM

Count me in...

Escary what can I say;

>serves stella.


>and close to home.

More of a walk to Badgers??

dave1888 - 21/7/04 at 08:58 PM

Anyone got a date in mind then

scotlad - 22/7/04 at 12:38 AM

count me in folks

MarkD - 22/7/04 at 10:08 PM

Big Stu - when are you next on dry land? It wouldn't be the same without your oil slicks

Big Stu - 24/7/04 at 12:16 PM

Home at the moment, but I go back on Wednesday for 2 weeks, so would need to be Friday the 13th, but don't old out for me if you want something sooner. Fixed the major leak but still have a constant drip which is really starting to annoy me. Oh well...

SeaBass - 26/7/04 at 10:12 AM

Any updates then guys. When is the meet going to be?


MarkD - 26/7/04 at 11:29 AM

The only Friday I can make in August is the 6th - is that suitable for everyone apart from Big Stu?

Venue: Cadgers Brae (Brewsters), Beancross Road, Polmont, Falkirk.

Directions From J5 - M9 follow signs for the A9 - Falkirk Laurieston - Brewsters is situated on the left hand side

dave1888 - 26/7/04 at 03:28 PM

good for me

scotlad - 26/7/04 at 05:32 PM

night shift for me

MarkD - 31/7/04 at 01:23 PM

Sorry about this guys, but I can no longer make the 6th.

I was due to have laser eye surgery yesterday, but it was cancelled at last minute and has been re-scheduled for the 6th.

Baldrick - 2/8/04 at 12:22 PM

Are we still meeting? Who can still make it?

SeaBass - 2/8/04 at 06:13 PM

Well what is going on?? I can still make it... But seems people with cars OTR are pulling out. What about the next Fri?? 13th

Mark to Quote Jack Burton (Big Trouble in Little China) "I never drive faster than I can see!"

Baldrick will be good to see another book car...

Oh yeah and met Subk2002 at the weekend bought a steering wheel off him - what a sweet machine he's built. That thing will fly.


[Edited on 2/8/04 by SeaBass]

Baldrick - 3/8/04 at 08:16 AM

Seabass, I can still make it so I guess it's up to us. Can't make the 13th tho'.

Dunc - 4/8/04 at 12:45 AM

I love 'big trouble in little china', nearly as good for 1 line quotes as 'army of darkness'. Anyway, might make 6th later on, family bbq that night, but 13th is good too. Still no progress though.

MarkD - 6/8/04 at 11:33 AM

Is anyone going tonight - or is there another date been agreed?

Optimax have cancelled my surgery again this morning - faulty laser so I can make it tonight afterall!

scotlad - 6/8/04 at 01:25 PM

just as well if they were gonna pour petrol in your eye!!!!!

SeaBass - 6/8/04 at 01:48 PM

Right, who is still going this evening; so far: Mark and Baldrick?? Is this correct. I may have girlfriend problem so I'll check out this thread @ 6:00pm to see who has replied....


SeaBass - 6/8/04 at 05:05 PM

Er so anyone going?? Mark etc...

scotlad - 6/8/04 at 05:18 PM

leaving for work now! nice night for it too.....

MarkD - 6/8/04 at 05:39 PM


Not sure if anyone else is planning to go. We may have to choose another night?


dave1888 - 6/8/04 at 05:46 PM

Looks like everyone has gone oot to play or work

dave1888 - 6/8/04 at 06:08 PM

Or sit in front of the computer when they should be out doing something less boring instead

Baldrick - 16/8/04 at 12:23 PM

Are we trying again for this Friday (20th Aug) Seemed the most popular option from the poll. I can make it as long as I remember to bring a can of oil (I really should have sorted the engine during the build)

dave1888 - 16/8/04 at 01:47 PM

This friday then (20th)

scotlad - 16/8/04 at 07:26 PM

o dear im back shift! bloody work

mangogrooveworkshop - 16/8/04 at 11:06 PM

speedy an i will be up 4 it

escary - 18/8/04 at 05:12 PM

right guys this has gone on too long


This Friday ( the 20th )

just tell me which one


I'll be there, see you all soon.



dave1888 - 18/8/04 at 09:28 PM

Cadgers Brae 7pm. Hope the weather turns nice

Baldrick - 19/8/04 at 08:09 AM

Wont make 7 but will be there ASAP after. Forecast doesn't look too bad

SeaBass - 19/8/04 at 12:52 PM

Yup I'll be there!
And as Baldrick mentioned theGrangemouth Weather doesn't look to bad...


escary - 19/8/04 at 05:24 PM

I might even look out my leather evening wear!

Weather looks favourable

