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avon tiger radiator
Thierry - 20/1/09 at 09:40 AM

Can anyone show me how the radiator is supported in the avon, pictures would be greatly appreciated. I have the radiator but no mounts, also in hope that i am fitting it the right way up.
Cheers Thierry

mat.price - 20/1/09 at 05:49 PM

go to this website
there are some pictures on there that will help

welshavon - 20/1/09 at 10:27 PM

As the previous post. Rad rests on extensions to the bottom front chassis rail and is held in place by a bracket at the top. The hoses also help to hold it in place. A lot of builders ditch the Tiger radiator and replace it with a VW polo one (me include) which is smaller so will sit vertical an is also aluminium which is obviously a lot lighter.

[Edited on 20/1/09 by welshavon]

jamrogers - 22/1/09 at 01:22 PM

Have a look on my website, i think i've got a shot of it in one of the videos i did, jamie

catman - 23/1/09 at 08:11 PM

i would stronly recommend fitting a polo rad as the standard tiger ones are cr@p


Ian D - 24/1/09 at 10:08 AM

having got a tiger one i fitted it. Here is a picture of how i did it. I made two brackets at the botton in alloy to stop the rad moving sideways and the made a u bracket at the top which bolts throuth the top chassis rail. Hope this helps. When it fails I will probably change it out for a polo one. Rescued attachment IMGP0765.JPG
Rescued attachment IMGP0765.JPG

Ian D - 24/1/09 at 10:13 AM

Picture of the top Rescued attachment radiator top comp.jpg
Rescued attachment radiator top comp.jpg