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ZX12 Power Commander SVA Map - Help!
bigbravedave - 24/2/09 at 08:16 AM

Has anyone got a SVA friendly power commander Map for a ZX12R, It’s a 2002 Engine with a Power commander III (non usb). I appreciate that there is no guarantee that it will pass SVA emissions with a map of another ZX12R engined car, but it should give me a good chance or starting point.

I had a quick search and found some posts from a few years ago where a couple of guys had a map, If anyone could help I would be eternally grateful and happily forward some beer tokens.

Hellfire - 24/2/09 at 08:55 AM

The one we have is only on the bike - my old Laptop went down...

I do need to get a backup of it - how soon do you need it buddy?

I will take me new Laptop to the Garage and download for you if you want... might be towards the weekend tho'.


bigbravedave - 24/2/09 at 09:02 AM

That would be great if you could, timing wise, my SVA is a week tomorrow, so the plan was to test a couple of different sva emmissions maps before going to sva. many thanks for your help.

Hellfire - 24/2/09 at 09:58 AM

I'll try to get the Map as soon as I can for you.

Please u2u your email address and I'll send it over when I've got it.


bigbravedave - 24/2/09 at 10:52 AM

u2u sent, many thanks

eznfrank - 24/2/09 at 11:49 AM

Any chance I could be a bit cheeky and get a copy of that map too??

carlgeldard - 24/2/09 at 12:52 PM

I've got one on the lappy at home

carlgeldard - 24/2/09 at 09:58 PM

I've e-mailed it to you both


Hellfire - 24/2/09 at 10:03 PM

All sorted there then - cheers Carl...

Incidentally - the standard map is better suited for the SVA as to make it run properly and with a modified straight through can as ours was for maximum performance it has to run slightly richer. So you would probably fail with our Map.

On another note - why spend thousands on a Kit and build it yourself then not get the best out of the engine by not having it properly tuned... beats me


bigbravedave - 25/2/09 at 08:31 AM

Thanks for your efforts but the map you emailed is a .djm file for a power commander USB, I have a non USB power commander 3 that requires a .map file.

Hellfire is yours a non usb power commander?

Can you convert a .djm to a .map file?

Hellfire - 25/2/09 at 12:30 PM

Our Power Commander is USB too. Not sure if you can convert the files.


carlgeldard - 25/2/09 at 09:48 PM

Sorry I didn't know there were two file types. Would the values in the cells be the same.

carlgeldard - 25/2/09 at 10:10 PM


Moorron - 26/2/09 at 12:58 PM

would be nice to see everyones road map for their ZX12R. Looking at the ones that come with the powercammander sofware differ wildly.

I thought all the maps for any 'tuning' would be richer to take effect for the better breathing but it doesnt look that way at all.