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bike engine
cerbera - 25/8/04 at 03:51 AM

When buying a bike engine what parts must I make sure come with it to aid fitting. ie. CDI loom etc...



Cita - 25/8/04 at 04:32 AM

One simple rule:
as much as possible cause it's easier to toss no needed parts in the bin than search for them on ebay.

JoelP - 25/8/04 at 07:12 AM

citas right, but heres a list anyway:

the engine.
wiring loom
a fuel pump (almost any will do)
the gear shifter (helps you make the replacement)
starter and alt (almost certainly still on the engine, but worth a check)
clutch and throttle cables (probably not supplied, but a bonus)

anyone add anything?

mangogroove - 25/8/04 at 07:31 AM always a good link

colibriman - 25/8/04 at 08:32 AM

make sure you also get the coils, cdi and regulator with the wiring loom....

what kind are you looking for?

Mk-Ninja - 25/8/04 at 04:09 PM

Clocks, Relays, Fuse box

kingr - 25/8/04 at 05:18 PM

If you're planning on making up your own exhaust, try to get the exhaust manifold too otherwise (assuming you don't have a lathe) you'll need to get an engineering company to make you up some of the parts that mate with the engine. Of course, if you're going to buy an exhaust, it doesn't matter one iota.

I'd say the most important bits are the starter, dynamo (generator, alternator, call it what you like), CDi and carbs. There's very little else that you can't dig up from elsewhere without too much difficulty. You can use any old fuel pump and regs are a fairly commonly replaced item.


cerbera - 25/8/04 at 07:16 PM

Thanks guys. Its just that a kit has come up on ebay with a blown engine but the seller is supplying a Hyabusa ready to fit with all the parts required (allegidly) so I thought Id ask what parts are crucial before going to view.

Thanks again
