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R1 speedo healer wiring?
adithorp - 7/3/13 at 05:07 PM

Doing some work on the engine and had to disconnect some of the loom including the speedo connector. Unfortuanatly it pulled the wires out of the speedo healer plug/loom... DOH!

Does anybody know (or is able to look on theirs) which wires in the healer loom go to which on the sensor plug. They're different colours. Sensor has 1 black/white, 1 pink, 1 red/orange. Speedo healer has 1 black, 1 red, 1 white.

Davg - 7/3/13 at 10:28 PM

Hi from main loom to speedo healer
White - green

Blue. - red

Black. - black

Engine side,
healer to eng sensor

White. - Pink

Red - Red/ orange

Black. - Black/ white

Cheers D

adithorp - 7/3/13 at 10:52 PM

Originally posted by Davg

Engine side,
healer to eng sensor

White. - Pink

Red - Red/ orange

Black. - Black/ white

Cheers D

Cheers that's the bit I needed... and what I was going to go for as an educated guess