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AB Sabres at Blyton for Totalkitcar live
Andy B - 13/9/13 at 02:48 PM

Just to let you all know we will have a pair of G2 Sabres at Totalkitcar live and possibly one of our front engined BEC racecars as well. Lees RGB race car has been fitted up with 2nd seat so passenger rides are on. If you are going look us up - kettle in the racetruck will be on as always and even if you dont fancy going out in one of the cars, its always good to put a face o a name
Look forward to seeing you there

jeffw - 13/9/13 at 04:16 PM

I'll be there with the Phoenix helping Raw out so I'll come and have a look Andy...

daniel mason - 13/9/13 at 04:27 PM

i wouldnt mind a having a chat andy! i must owe you a beer by now
im doing the track day in the radical on friday so may stop in the car another night!

Andy B - 13/9/13 at 05:40 PM

Look forward to seeing you both there, I recognise your radical Daniel, the previous owner had it over at my unit when the original zzr1200 motor went pop, can't recall the guys name but I seem to remember he owned a graphics business down south

daniel mason - 13/9/13 at 05:44 PM

david jarvis! he told me (wether true or not) that you thought it was in very good condition. i tend to agree considering it was a track car!

Andy B - 13/9/13 at 06:15 PM

That's the chap, nice guy and overall the car was in really good shape - it was just motor that was a bit tired and sad, what's it running now?

daniel mason - 13/9/13 at 06:22 PM

its only got a zzr1100 but its a brand new powertec one on flatslides with 0 hours runnig.its my first time out at blyton so looking forward to it!

jossey - 13/9/13 at 06:43 PM

Look forward to see you Andy.

David Johnson.

adithorp - 13/9/13 at 08:02 PM

Like Dan I'll be there for the trackday on Friday and camping over 'till Sat.

Would love a ride in the Sabre, Andy.

Andy B - 13/9/13 at 08:03 PM

See you there David - bring your crash helmet!

Andy B - 13/9/13 at 08:05 PM

No problem Adi, be good to catch up and tear up some Tarmac!

daniel mason - 13/9/13 at 08:48 PM

were staying in our cars i think. thursday for sure as its a long drive from cumbria!
if its not raining badly i may stay until saturday evening!

Volvorsport - 13/9/13 at 10:35 PM

blyton 20 mins from me .... may pop over.

adithorp - 14/9/13 at 09:23 AM

Originally posted by Andy B
No problem Adi, be good to catch up and tear up some Tarmac!

Unfortunatly, I haven't got around to sticking my BSB engine back in yet, so on Friday the Fury won't be quite as wild as last time I was at Blyton. The Sabre will be a huge difference I suspect. I might have a bit of IndyCar tech on the front end by next weekend that you might like a peek at though.

Relph - 14/9/13 at 10:16 AM

Im hoping to be there saturday. Looking forward to see the sabre in action as i thought it looked awesome when i saw it at the shows this year.. Also looking forward to seeing your latest car Dan.
