At a car meeting yesterday a chap approached me and asked me if i'd had any fueling problems with my Stuart Taylor ZX9R and when i asked him why
he told me that when using a Facet fuel pump on a BEC it can cause problems due to the fuel pressure being around 8psi when the carbs can only handle
around 4psi :-/ He told me to replace it with the correct one off the ZX9R or one off a similar carb'd bike. Opinions?
Bike pump is far better IMO. I ran a facet and a regulator at first with my ZX9R carbs and had a lot of bother firing her up after a couple of weeks
Switched for the bike pump and it primes so much faster and the car seems to be starting far better plus it's a bit quieter as well.
They work far better back at the tank pushing than up front pulling though.
Yep! ZX9R pump and filter works best. The carbs basically work best with a gravity feed, the bike pump replicates this, and has a built in pressure
regulator. You know it makes sense
Fuel pump mounting, close up
It depends what pump you have, you can get low pressure facet pumps 1-3psi that are fine.
Does your car leak fuel from the overflow pipes, if not then you are fine as a high output pump will force fuel past the float needles.
Regards Mark
It doesn't seem to leak fuel that I have noticed but it does make a clicking sound when I put the ignition on? Will it say anywhere on it what
pressure it's running at?
It will click quickly until it gets to pressure then click very slowly if at all with the engine stopped, mine looks like this and ran blade carbs
perfectly well
Facet Posi-Flow Fuel Pump Single Carb 60104 Low Pressure 1.5 To 4.0 Psi
The casings are the same, it should have some markings scribed into it showing the PSI that it's governed to, these get a bad press as people use
the wrong pump, so take something out of a box designed for SU carbs and stick on bike carbs.
If fuel does not leak and you can hold full throttle then leave well alone.
Regards Mark