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digi dash
mad-butcher - 28/10/04 at 05:59 PM

will a digi dash suit a blade if so what are they ekil are they worth the money for road / track day use

Jon Ison - 28/10/04 at 06:24 PM

yes to all.

shortie - 28/10/04 at 09:06 PM

Yes, excellent piece of kit for the money!

Jasper - 30/10/04 at 09:32 AM

Nice piece of kit - very easy to install. Only criticism is the huge fluctutions u get with fuel gauge readings - cos it's digital, it starts alarming all the time when you go around corners hard.

As much as it really does the job well - next time I will get a combination of digital and regular gauges as I think regular are easier to read without having to look straight at them, but I like the shift lights.

progers - 31/10/04 at 05:42 PM

Hi Jasper,

I too had the problem with the fuel reading fluctuating and setting off the low level alarm. This was a bug in the software that has now been fixed (not enough averaging on the reading). You just need a firmware update on your unit and all will be well.



Jasper - 1/11/04 at 02:57 PM

Looks like it's update time then!