Hi all
I'm running an R1 08 engine
The problem i get is on Track only it breathes very heavy from the crank case breather
Im running an oil separator ATM to help off the crank case breather to the catch tank
Can anyone recommend an oil to help with this ?
Also Ive seen post the odd post about running the crank case outlet to the cam cover AIS valve then the other to the catch tank Has this worked?
As stated its only on track when pushing hard all the time that i get this little problem
The Engine as had the cam cover mod done and running a baffle plate
[Edited on 24-5-15 by Kev99]
Confused... you say it has the cam cover mod? That is usually to AIS valve housing modified to use as a breather and T'd together with the
gearbox breather, then into the catch tank.
My experience is with the earlier 5vy (04-06) and that has cured the issue. Used to breath very badly on track but never since the breather mod.
I've used Valvoline 4T fully syn which was OK but used to froth at high revs. Silkoline Comp4, good and no issues. Currently using Motul V300 on
recommendation of the engine builder, brilliant but expensive.
Cam Cover mod Ive done is just blocking up holes and re-drilling them below the AIS valve housing
I didn't move the breather pipe to the AIS valve housing should i of done this ?
Normal mod is...
Remove cam cover, under AIS caps, remove reed valves and discard, block holes to exhaust ports, drill through from valve housing to cam side (at lower
edge when fitted so any oil drains back in), refit caps (I put some gauze inside the AIS housing just to condense oil vapour on), run breather pipes
from outlets on caps to T into the pipe from the gearbox breather then run that to a catch tank.
will do that thanks