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Zx9r E looking at new clutch help needed
bowood14 - 12/6/15 at 04:43 PM

Hi everyone it's getting time to put a new clutch in my car, ZX9R E, I've never had a problem with the original clutch and upgraded Barnett springs but would while changing it like to maybe put a better one in, anyone got any ideas for me what to buy and from where, or maybe someone happes to have one sitting around they want to sell.

dave_424 - 12/6/15 at 04:55 PM

Everyone and myself included will tell you OEM frictions and steels. Some people find other manufacturers cluches work okay but others have some real problems.

bowood14 - 12/6/15 at 05:14 PM

If so where's the best place for price?

dave_424 - 12/6/15 at 05:21 PM

Not sure about where the best price is, but a place that has a good website with some very useful parts diagrams is Cornwall Kawasaki

bowood14 - 12/6/15 at 07:16 PM

What about the Kawasaki ZX9R (ZX 900 E1/E2) 00-01 Clutch Kit Complete - EBC SRK Series? Anyone used this ?

ian locostzx9rc2 - 12/6/15 at 08:11 PM

When I had my zx9 striker i fitted a ebc Kevlar h duty clutch kit with uprated springs never had a problem with it bought from a company in motor cycle news this was about 12 years ago though.

MikeRJ - 13/6/15 at 07:20 AM

Originally posted by bowood14
What about the Kawasaki ZX9R (ZX 900 E1/E2) 00-01 Clutch Kit Complete - EBC SRK Series? Anyone used this ?

I'd steer well clear of EBC clutches, the OEM parts are invariably far superior. EBC clutches frequently cause problems in bikes, let alone BECs.

40inches - 13/6/15 at 09:26 AM

ZX9R clutches are tough things, I stripped my "C" clutch and found all the plates blue, I put it back together and ordered a new standard set.
Never got round to fitting them, and did over 2000 miles without the clutch slipping

dave_424 - 13/6/15 at 10:09 AM

Yup, they seem very strong. Mine were blue like that, I just added Brocks performance R1 springs and run 225bhp and 124ft/lbs of torque with no slipping.