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'99 R1 Ignition Switch
Ferrino - 11/12/04 at 12:57 PM

The ignition switch on the '99 R1 bike shorts 3 pairs of wires (see image below). The first pair are not used in my loom as I am not using the lighting circuits, the 2nd pair sends power to the ign-switched fuses, but the 3rd pair I am not sure about - it seems to earth part of the CDi only when the side-stand is UP.

Does this mean that I can just short it, as my side-stand switch will be shorted and therefore permanently UP in the BEC?

What function would this have on the bike? Would it mean that you can start the engine with the side-stand DOWN, but the CDi is in some sort of 'standby mode' until you lift the side-stand?


[Edited on 11/12/04 by Ferrino]

Bo - 11/12/04 at 02:03 PM


What function would this have on the bike? Would it mean that you can start the engine with the side-stand DOWN, but the CDi is in some sort of 'standby mode' until you lift the side-stand?


[Edited on 11/12/04 by Ferrino]

On the bike you can start it in neutral with the sidestand down, but if you put it into gear, still with sidestand down, engine dies. (safety feature)

I don't know how the wires are though....

CooperLight - 11/12/04 at 06:55 PM

or you could use it as a safety switch / theft device