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Suzuki bandit 1250
kj - 20/7/23 at 09:00 PM

Anyone used a suzuki bandit 1250 engine, how do rate it, wiring and clutch

[Edited on 20/7/23 by kj]

russbost - 22/7/23 at 12:22 PM

Don't know much about the Bandit engine, but isn't it air cooled?

The fact that no one else is using it suggests it may be far from ideal, seem to remember it's relatiely low BHP for a bike engine?

rf900rush - 22/7/23 at 02:28 PM

Just had a google

The old Bandit engines were based on the GSRX1100
If you look back the GSXR1000 was the Hayabuse of the time.
These were air / oil cooled.

The 1250 appears to be a all new water cooled engine.

I had a RF900 engine in my car originally which was a dirivitive of the GSXR1100W (water cooled)
The RF900 had very simular power to the early blades engines.
Very impressed with the performance for a low cost option.

I would not dissmiss the idea just because it does not have the superbike power.

I upgraded my RF900 to a kawazaki ZX12R engine (almost Hyabusa power) , although 50% more power it only reduce the 0-60 down by 1 second.