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Wierd outlet on a 'Blade
chrisf - 10/3/05 at 04:45 PM


I've searched an infinity of websites and found nothing...

I have the 98 fireblade that I would like to start soon. While poking around the various hoses, I found a strange outlet. There is a threaded hole near the clutch actuation arm (front of the motor, towards the radiator). It must have something to do with oil because I remember oil dripping out of it last year when I built my motor mounts. Any idea what this is used for? I'm convinced it should be plugged with a sensor or otherwise prior to the first start!

--Thanks, Chris

[Edited on 10/3/05 by chrisf]

Danozeman - 10/3/05 at 06:28 PM

Breather or a drain pipe?

ChrisGamlin - 10/3/05 at 07:03 PM

If it is a large ~25mm threaded hole, or it has a smaller threaded hole within a large threaded boss, then its the oil pressure switch hole. In the absense of a proper pic, you can kinda see it in this one where the copper coloured oil pipe is coming out from

Either that or its where you pour the oil in!

[Edited on 10/3/05 by ChrisGamlin]

Hellfire - 11/3/05 at 12:28 AM

Sounds like the Oil Filler to me too

chrisf - 11/3/05 at 05:54 AM

Alas: it could be the oil filter! Actually, this is the picture of what I'm talking about. prpbaly simple, but I can't figure it out.


PS I would have attached the picture here but I could not figure out how! I know I've done it before...

ChrisGamlin - 11/3/05 at 01:28 PM

Its the one I said first, for the oil pressure switch, although can you take another pic without the rag in place as its a bit unlear as to what is / isnt there - there's two parts that screw in there, one a large threaded boss type thing, then the oil pressure switch itself screws into the boss with a smaller tapered thread. Oh and yeh it does need filling (preferably with the oil pressure switch or a pressure gauge take-off!) as its the main oil gallery so you will get zero oil pressure without it, and an oily floor!

[Edited on 11/3/05 by ChrisGamlin]

chrisf - 11/3/05 at 02:09 PM


I'll take the rag out and send another pic, but your description is spot on. It is threaded inside. So the oil pressure sender is the bit that screws in here, right? Do I need a special Honda bit that threads into the hole, which the pressure switch then threads into the sleeve?

Is this what Tim Hoverd discusses here?


ChrisGamlin - 11/3/05 at 02:32 PM

I take it you're referring to this:

The gold coloured bit is the outer boss type bit (for want of better description), I assume its made like that so that during manufacture the oilway can be machined though the larger hole. The sender itself is the silver and black bit nearest the camera with the small screw in the top. Ideally what I would suggest is that you buy an oil pressure gauge to monitor oil pressure rahter than use the standard blade pressure switch which comes on at very low pressure so doesnt give much/any warning of impending doom.
I cant remember the thread for the sender off the top of my head, 1/8BSPT (tapered) rings a bell. If you havent got the gold bit either then Id think you'll need to get something made up to suit, but the sender itself is a pretty standard thread
