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97 blade rectifier
andy d (rizla) - 19/4/05 at 05:37 PM

anyone know of anywhere other than honda dealer to get one of these from they want £121+vat

must be somewhere cheeper

ChrisGamlin - 19/4/05 at 06:08 PM

Ebay, about £40 for new ones ISTR

andy d (rizla) - 19/4/05 at 08:40 PM

thanks mate,just found this site on ebay looks good value

ReMan - 19/4/05 at 09:09 PM

Also, if you`ve got to buy a new one, look out for a heavy duty one advertised on ebay etc. About £50 ISTR

andy d (rizla) - 19/4/05 at 09:32 PM

this site does a uprated one (with fins) about £80 inc postage