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Speedo sender?
chrisf - 19/4/05 at 11:56 PM

Reading a recent topic made me realize that I may have a speedo sender in the 98 blade gearbox. It also looks like the previous owner cut the cable. Is this the speedo send?

If so, any ideas on how to salvage it? I'm sure Honda wants a small fortune for a new one.

--Thanks, Chris

ChrisGamlin - 20/4/05 at 07:22 AM

Yup thats the one

I might even have one laying around at home, Im not sure how much it would be to post to the US though?

chrisf - 20/4/05 at 01:35 PM

I'm having a hard time finding these senders on eBay. Will you check to see if you have one available? I may very well be interested.

--Thanks! Chris

ChrisGamlin - 20/4/05 at 05:48 PM

Hi Chris

Ive had a hunt round the garage and no luck Im afraid, although with the state of my garage it doesnt mean it wont turn up at some point.
I think the one I was thinking of was on the loom which I sold to Pat (Avoneer) as part of the engine package, although that engine he now has is a 97 so doesnt use that sensor by default, so he might be willing to part with it if he's not planning on remote mounting it or something.


ReMan - 20/4/05 at 06:16 PM

Also, can anyone tell me if this sensor has a gear on the end of it ? or wether it is purely a proximity sensor counting gear teeth or something?
(Sorry to borrow your thread, I never really got to the bottom of this in my earlier thread, still work in progress!)
If its a proximity type then I need one too, anyone?

ChrisGamlin - 20/4/05 at 06:24 PM

Chris - I lied - ive found it! I just had a thought where else it might be and there it was - I think Pat still does have one (I had two 99 blade engines) so he might still be worth a shot for you ReMan if he doesnt want it, although Id be wary of drilling out the block just to fit it, surely it would be simpler just to fit the usual magnets and sensor on the prop wouldnt it?

It is a proximity type though, it just slicks inside the block by about an inch and is flat on the bottom


ReMan - 20/4/05 at 07:29 PM

I have no intention of drilling the block
But I need a sender, to mount against the prop or driveshaft to drive the Blade clocks, (through the yellowbox) and so-far nobody can tell me (previous threads)which sender to use and a reed switch definatley doesnt work, so I figured a later engine sensor may be the answer? Unless anybody has used another succesfully??

ChrisGamlin - 20/4/05 at 08:30 PM

I have a feeling that the gearbox sensor probably picks up on a gear on the output shaft, therefore probably gives quite a few pulses per second which I dont reckon you'd be able to replicate easily on a prop unless you mounted a gear on that too. I might be wrong but I never found anything special inside the gearbox for it to pick up on so assumed it just looked at a gear. I guess someone with a bit of electronics wizz might be able to make you up some kind of multiplier circuit or something, but then thats half way to a yellowbox anyway