Can anybody please tell me if the big nut that holds the clutch basket on is a left hand or right hand thread. Unfortunately while fitting new clutch springs my mate managed to snap one of the six mill bolts in the basket. Any suggestions how he could get this out? Thanks. Jacko, and Tim W.
Woops forgot to put the engine is a fireblade rry Jacko
THanks Chrisfor the help
Chris how did you hold the basket from spinning ?just put it in gear and bar the prop shaft? thanks Jacko
A much safer way (for the basket) is to use an impact wrench, you can literally hold the basket with one hand and buzz the nut off with the impact
wrench in 2 seconds, no need to lock up the clutch, no need to even have it in gear!
Ive made up a tool like the Haynes manual describes and its not great, you still need a hell of a force to undo the nut and you only need one slip of
the socket or one slip of the tool (as mine did ) and you break off one of the inner clutch basket legs which is definitely new basket time
[Edited on 6/5/05 by ChrisGamlin]
yip,as chris says
leave the clutch plates in and just hold them in place whilst using the impact wrench,it just makes things a little easier
We used an old clutch plate and welded it to a length of bar to hold it whilst we cracked off the clutch nut. We even managed to snap a post in the
process We milled it flat, manufactured another post from some aluminium tube and fastened it on with a short length of threaded bar.
You are quite welcome to borrow our tool if you want. Just let us know