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ZX12 engine age?
chris.russell - 12/6/05 at 03:22 PM

Right, got my engine, ZX12, but I do not know its age, anyone got any information that might help?

the first few digits of the engine number are ZXT20AE.... if this helps


JoelP - 12/6/05 at 03:27 PM

it will help anyone who has the haynes manual for the bike, mine only covers zx9s but it would age a zx9 from that info.

richardR1 - 12/6/05 at 09:31 PM

Try Hellfire - he is rebuilding his with a ZX12 and I'm sure he will know.

erwe - 14/6/05 at 09:02 AM

I had the same problem, phoned Kawasaki bu they could not help.
I compared the different diagrams of the K2 and K3 and found it.