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lenny - 24/7/05 at 01:35 PM

Hi all few pics Rescued attachment mirrors.JPG
Rescued attachment mirrors.JPG

lenny - 24/7/05 at 01:36 PM

Dash Rescued attachment dash.JPG
Rescued attachment dash.JPG

lenny - 24/7/05 at 01:36 PM

Bay Rescued attachment bay3.JPG
Rescued attachment bay3.JPG

lenny - 24/7/05 at 01:37 PM

Bay Rescued attachment bay2.JPG
Rescued attachment bay2.JPG

antonyg - 24/7/05 at 01:43 PM

Hi, car looks good
where did you get that bonnet bulge from or is it home made iam after one just like tha for mine
Thanks Antony

lenny - 24/7/05 at 01:47 PM

MK Bonnet

chrisf - 24/7/05 at 01:50 PM


Top job! I just finished my dash too (see website). I like the way you set your gauges cluster in the dash. How did you secure the cluster to the dash? I haven't quite figured out how this is done.

Also, it looks like you have a bit of trim around the cluster itself. Is that just tadpole trim?

Again, I like it. Looks really well done.


lenny - 24/7/05 at 01:58 PM

Clocks , split in half take out PCB and drill back of case and glass in some domehead and refit then a lot of cut and try then glass in a plate to set clocks back how you like them , yes edge trim all round Lenny

lenny - 24/7/05 at 02:10 PM

and my feet Rescued attachment bay.JPG
Rescued attachment bay.JPG

MikeR - 25/7/05 at 11:22 AM

probably not understanding the last image correctly but it looks like your rad vents directly onto the cooling fan of some compondent..........

might be an idea to fit a rubber tube to direct the water somewhere else.