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4XV Headlight and clock loom
locoboy - 11/9/05 at 04:52 PM

Guys i am really struggling here now to find a R1 Sub loom to connect the clocks to the main loom.

Does anyone know of anywhere i can get one without going to Yamaha!????

Also does anyone know any sidecar forum URL'S? I believe they use a lot of R1 engines and may be able to help in my quest.

Alternatively are any other yamaha bike sub looms interchangable, ie The R6???


[Edited on 11/9/05 by locoboy]

smart51 - 11/9/05 at 06:10 PM

or do a google search and yellow pages search on motorcycle salvage.

Dillinger1977 - 11/9/05 at 06:43 PM

bizarelly, i have a 5JJ main loom with a 4XV headlight loom on it....
i havent tried connecting anything up yet, but im going to get some 5jj clocks and see if they work with that setup.

if it turns out they dont, the clocks will be sold on and i'll have a 4xv headlight loom going spare!

how quick do you need one?
(hey just thought, if you find a 5jj one i'll do you a straight swap!)

mr loo - 11/9/05 at 07:29 PM

Got mine from pdm racing 01424 218881,
they race prepare r1's and suzuki's and sell on all the part's they don't need.

RallyHarry - 11/9/05 at 08:02 PM

Do you guys have a dictionary for the R1 special-codes you are talking about, I'll be getting a R1 engine soon and I guess I should know what your talking about ...


Coose - 12/9/05 at 09:02 AM

If you want the R1 microfiche and manual on cd, see this man....

The cd covers all R1's and R6's for that matter, and includes all wiring diagrams and parts books. He does them for most popular jap bikes and Triumphs.

jimgiblett - 12/9/05 at 11:31 AM

I have a modified 00/01 one if you are interested. Basically has the plug for the clocks and the wires out. I think the sub loom is model specific as for example on the 00/01 models the clocks control the fan whereas they dont on the 98/99 IIRC.

It has been trimmed for all the superflous (sp) stuff including plugs to loom but a bit of time with a soldering iron and wiring diagram and it should be fully functional as for a 98/99 model I dont know.

Drop me a U2U if youre interested.



[Edited on 12/9/05 by jimgiblett]

Paul G - 13/9/05 at 01:15 PM

I know had one in the other week, £40 they wanted for it I think. was going to get on to use with my 99 R1 clocks but I've decided on a digital dash now so I'm going to ebay my clocks


hearnia - 13/9/05 at 01:46 PM

Try this bloke, fast and efficient service, cant fault him at all.

He does all sorts of bike parts, not just r6 as the url would lead you to think.

locoboy - 14/9/05 at 09:19 PM

thanks for the response guys, i tried PDm, they said they had on in stock, brand new £20 + £4P&P, i handed over my credit card number quicker than you can say 'R1 Sub loom please', a couple of hours later he called me back to say they didnt in fact have one, he got it confused with a 2004 sub loom and had to refund my money

I will try the R6 guy and see what he has to offer.

I missed one on Ebay a few weeks ago by about an hour (too busy working on the car) it went for 12 quid odd