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R1 Clutch problem
Paul G - 21/11/05 at 03:19 PM

Well I was just about to take my first test drive in my MK Indy (just down my drive cos I'm waiting for a brake caliper), engine in neutral and started, handbrake on, clutch fully down - I change to first gear and the car lurches forward and stalls - this is while the clutch is still down. I jacked up the rear end and started it in first with the handbrake off and the rear wheels spin wether the clutch is fully in or out it has no effect at all. operating the clutch by hand and it seems to have full travel, the clutch arm moves by 90 degrees. Is the clutch shafted or am I missing something here??



ps its a 98 r1

Oliver Jetson - 21/11/05 at 03:40 PM


When you say you are operating it by hand do you mean you are moving the actual clutch arm by hand?

If this is the case you are probably only taking up the slack in the clutch arm return spring. The clutch is activated after this intial spring take up, and is very hard to do by hand. should move another 10/15mm after the spring.


Paul G - 21/11/05 at 03:46 PM

Hi Oliver

Well I've tried it using the clutch pedal but perhaps I havent set the cable tight enough then, are they really that hard to move?? I'll go have a look now



ChrisGamlin - 21/11/05 at 03:48 PM

Agreed, you would really struggle to fully depress the clutch by hand just by pulling on the actuator arm, the first 90 degrees is just taking up the slack on the return spring.


jimgiblett - 21/11/05 at 03:53 PM

As Oli says or if not this it might be that your plates might need freeing off.

Have you had the clutch apart? Sepatating the plates for a quick inspection of the plates often frees the clutch up if it has been standing around for a while.

Paul G - 21/11/05 at 04:34 PM

IT WORKS!!!! I'm well chuffed after 4 months of hard work I've actually built a car!!!! It was just taking up the slack at first, I hadnt realised that the actual clutch operates further after that.

Just waiting on MK to send me the bottom slider bit of a front brake caliper and then I can go for a proper test drive!

Thanks all for the advice I'm off for a beer or ten to celebrate!

Oliver Jetson - 21/11/05 at 04:43 PM

Awesome, glad we could help


RichieC - 21/11/05 at 05:23 PM

Originally posted by Paul G
IT WORKS!!!! I'm well chuffed after 4 months of hard work I've actually built a car!!!!

Well done mate, 4 months? From start to finish?

Really good going if so



Paul G - 22/11/05 at 09:24 AM

>Well done mate, 4 months? From start to finish?

Well its probably more like 5 months but I went on holiday for 3 weeks in that time and now I've got to get all the legal sva stuff ready. Problem is I've only got a carport to work under and its getting bloody dark quick and a bit cold!

RichieC - 22/11/05 at 07:16 PM

Good skills,

Ill be absolutely over the moon if i get mine built in even 6 months.

