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Any problem using a 'blade radiator?
StuartA - 18/2/03 at 07:09 PM

I see a lot of posts on this board about using a Micra radiator and I was just wondering if anyone uses the original bike radiator? Andy suspected that the 'Blade one might be the wrong shape. Any opinions?

Jon Ison - 18/2/03 at 07:25 PM

i used Austin Maistro, spelling probably pants, £10 complete with fan and sender switch for fan, had no overheating probs at all.........

Jasper - 18/2/03 at 07:29 PM

If it's curved you may well have a problem fitting it in, as a flat rad fits pretty tightly once you bolt the fan on. I've used a Micra rad (thanks Bob) with Spal high output fan.

ChrisGamlin - 24/2/03 at 02:15 PM

Mine is a flat blade rad and had absolutely no problems with overheating whatsoever, but not sure on a curved one. I fitted a manual over-ride on the fan so that I can put the fan on whenever, but general running on the road, I get 80C and even on track its under 90C. If I get caught in traffic, the thermostat will keep it around 100C (it kicks in abnout 102C and goes off around 98C), or I can run the fan manually and bring it back down to 80C even when totally standing still.
