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How do I get R1 can apart
Bob C - 18/3/06 at 05:37 PM

Title says it - I've ground off the pop rivets round each end & the trim bits have come off, but the revealed ends don't want to move.
I want to dismantle it to get one or two little dings out and rotate the bracket so the exhaust blows outwards. But I don't want to wreck it....
It's a standard bluish one with titanium written on.
BTW is there any actual titanium in it???
I know one or two folk have recently dismantled these things. . .

Andy W - 18/3/06 at 05:48 PM

I'm not sure if you can get into it anymore without major surgry, you can drill the rivet of the bracket then move it where you want


indykid - 18/3/06 at 06:02 PM

me and avoneer did one not so long back. right pig!

basically, where the aluminium tube under the 'trim caps' is rolled over the end cap, you need to grind it off, or fold it back, so the end cap can be pulled out.
bear in mind that it's a really tight fit, and will probably need 2 of you to make a decent job of getting it out, as the can needs holding very firmly.

once the cap's off, the innards don't really seem to move, and being a baffled, compartment can, you can't actually get to the outer skin of the can from inside. if it's like the carbon version though, the outer sleeve, bluey iirc on the titanium can, will slip off the ali inner, allowing the dents to be knocked out.

as for moving the bracket, you'll not gain much from taking the end caps off. the rivet seems to be in the back or middle? compartment, (we only got into the front at the time). just drill the rivet out, and redrill where you want it. you'll probably need to seal the old hole with chemical metal or similar.


Bob C - 18/3/06 at 08:04 PM

Brill - just what I needed to know