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5JJ R1 coil wiring - Help!
TimC - 3/8/07 at 09:31 AM

Hi All

I need some help wiring my coils. I can't find a reference that says which terminals the red, orange and grey wires connect to and then which plug-lead should feed which cylinder.

Another cr@p Paint masterpiece to the rescue...

As always, your help is very much appreciated!

Coose - 3/8/07 at 09:40 AM

Without looking at my car I can't tell you which LT pair goes to which coil, but one coil feed cylinders 1 & 4, the other 2 & 3. As it's wasted spark it doesn't matter which one of each pair you put the HT leads on to.

The best I can suggest regarding the LT side is to guess and see if it starts. If it doesn't, swap them over. That's what I ended up doing. Don;t worry, you won't damage anything.

p.s. Did you get the bracket I sent you?

tks - 3/8/07 at 01:27 PM

easy if both coils share a color than thats the positive feed.

search for the positive feed in that conector.

it will leave 2 pins left wich are the other side of the coil (negative).

if the engine runs nice you are good, else you need to swap the the negative sides of the coils (far easyer)


amalyos - 3/8/07 at 03:08 PM

Just checked mine, I've added to your picture.

Steve Rescued attachment coils.jpg
Rescued attachment coils.jpg

TimC - 3/8/07 at 03:17 PM


TOP MAN - thanks!