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Open-source DSR-type racer
kb58 - 12/2/05 at 02:23 AM

My take on it is, while interesting, it has very little to do with us. They're heading down the path of making a pretty nice race car. That's fine, but at $30k-$40k, there's a lack of concern about price. I was called "hostile" when I dug in my heels about price. I think they're alienating the very people who might be interested. I'll keep watching, but from the sidelines.

sgraber - 12/2/05 at 04:56 AM

Wow, that website popped up outta nowhere. I can deduce by the language used and the people posting (D Palatov, Miron Tudor, etc...) that it will be a genuinely decent product.

The statement made on the forum was that you pay for what you get. Spend 35K+ and you can run at the front of the pack. Spend 1/2 that and you will certainly be lapped.

I am personally not so certain that is true. In my world, if you do all or most of the fabrication yourself you will pay much , MUCH less than if you have someone else do the work. That is where the cost savings come out. You must be willing to get your hands dirty.

Regarding the Costs, you forget Kurt, racing is an ELITE sport that only those with "money" are allowed to participate in... <sarcasm off>

[Edited on 2/12/05 by sgraber]

kb58 - 12/2/05 at 06:02 AM

I'm not so sure that price is "built." I think it's just for raw materials. I'm very skeptical about it solely on the price point. In fact I said in there that people with that kind of money would just as soon buy a ready-build used car and go racing *now* instead of waiting around for the project to come up with a mid-pack runner. In fact since most there seemed okay with even a $50K pricetag, I said well if that's true, why no just put down a deposite for Dennis's DP1 and be done with it.

Whatever, to each his own. I still say their going to end up with something that's too expensive to build yet slower then buying a used existing car... JMOH.


On a different topic, why is there now all this white space below everyone's post, below thier posts and above thier sigs? Makes for needlessly long pages....

[Edited on 2/12/05 by kb58]

Tralfaz - 12/2/05 at 01:16 PM

Originally posted by sgraber
Wow, that website popped up outta nowhere.

The discussion leading up to it's creation is on the dsr board.



fia289 - 13/2/05 at 03:12 PM

I followed the initial discussion at first, It seemed interesting. But in the end egos are getting in the way and the usual thinking of money buys speed as taken over.

It's sad because It would have been a great opportunity to design a self build, simple racer. I guess to each his own.

A fast car is useless if you don't know how to use it. Also lets not ferget this car has been divided. Take the best engine, best suspention, best brakes and best aerodynamics and what do you get ?.... A lemon, a fast racecar is a complete system thats needs to be designed and tuned together.


[Edited on 13/2/05 by fia289]