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Hey, I forgot what it looked like!
Alan B - 6/1/03 at 01:51 PM

Well I've got all my plug destroyed and the rolling chassis revealed again....

It feels like progress....should have the body pretty soon.....damn this is fun

Spyderman - 6/1/03 at 02:06 PM


I can't believe how fast you are moving along with this.

At this rate we will be seeing a finished shell in a matter of weeks!

Did you take any time of for Chrstmas?
Does your family bring food parcels out to you?


Alan B - 6/1/03 at 03:02 PM


or less

half a day

yes, but small ones..

sgraber - 6/1/03 at 06:09 PM

High Fives and back slapping from Phoenix to You! wohooo!

That looks fantastic.

My feeling is you'll come in under your weight estimate. Any opinions on that?

Steve G

BasOlij - 6/1/03 at 07:23 PM

Definately looking good!

Can't wait to see the other body pannels on!

Alan B - 6/1/03 at 08:07 PM

Steve, thanks. I guess if I don't go overboard on the inner panels maybe 1250# could be possible...we'll see.
It's about 1000# now as you see it.

Bas, thanks. The main body is next in about 1 to 2 weeks (could be 3 as we have a visitor next week) then I'll have the bonnet mould to make...but it should be relatively easy.